Stanyell Odom

2024 University System of Maryland Board of Regents Staff Award for Extraordinary Public Service to the University or Greater Community

Stanyell Odom, Director of Alumni Engagement, Office of Institutional Advancement

Throughout the 17 years of her tenure at UMBC, including in her current position as director of alumni engagement, Stanyell has become recognized at UMBC and throughout the University System of Maryland alumni engagement community as a trusted and respected colleague, manager, shared governance leader, and mentor. Her outstanding contributions include establishing the Chapter of Black and Latino Alumni, Legends of Excellence Awards, and elevating the annual Alumni of the Year Awards and UMBC’s annual Homecoming to become a highlight of alumni engagement. Her leadership, vision, and enthusiasm were instrumental in planning and executing UMBC’s remarkable and memorable 50th celebration and the nationwide RetriEVER Grateful tour that engaged over 4,000 alumni and resulted in substantial donations and gifts. A true believer in giving back, Stanyell served as vice president and president of the Professional Staff Senate (PSS) and provided leadership for development of the PSS’s Staff Mentoring Program. She’s demonstrated that people—alumni, students, colleagues—are always at the center of her work.